* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /** * site: http://danamlund.dk/bmsrr.html */ /** * This is a self-hosted rss-reader. It reads a google reader * subscriptions.xml file, and generate a html file of the news * stories in the RSS or Atom feeds from subscriptions.xml. You can * click a news story to clear all stories older than the clicked * item. Updating fetches stories newer than the most recently clicked * clear-older-than story. * * This script generates 2 files: bmsrr_data.txt and bmsrr.html. The * script needs to have write permission to these two files. * * This is a simple reader, it cannot save stories. This means you * cannot "star" specific stories, and only stories avilable in the * feed at the time of generation are added (most feeds remove older * stories). */ error_reporting(0); ini_set("display_errors", "0"); set_time_limit(60 * 5); date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Copenhagen'); $bmsrr_conf = array("google reader subscriptions.xml" => "subscriptions.xml", "data file" => "./bmsrr_data.txt", "item sorter" => "itemSorterOldestFirst", "item changer" => "doNotChangeItem", "output file" => "bmsrr.html", "output header" => ' BMSRR

Showing {{itemsAmount}} items after {{showItemsAfter}}


', "output footer" => ' ', "output item" => '


From {{itemFeedTitle}} on {{itemPubDate}} (clear older than this)


' ); function doNotChangeItem($item) { return $item; } makeRssReader($bmsrr_conf); //// config that uses lazyload.js // needs (in same dir as bmsrr.php) // 1. jquery.js @ http://jquery.com/ // 2. jquery.lazyload.js @ https://github.com/jquery/plugins.jquery.com // 3. grey.gif @ http://danamlund.dk/files/grey.gif // To install comment out "makeRssReader($bmsrr_conf);" and uncomment // "makeRssReader($bmsrr_lazyload_conf);" $bmsrr_lazyload_conf = array("google reader subscriptions.xml" => "subscriptions.xml", "data file" => "./bmsrr_data.txt", "item sorter" => "itemSorterOldestFirst", "item changer" => "changeItemLazyLoad", "output file" => "bmsrr.html", "output header" => ' Basic RSS reader

Showing {{itemsAmount}} items after {{showItemsAfter}}


', "output footer" => ' ', "output item" => '


From {{itemFeedTitle}} on {{itemPubDate}} (clear older than this)


' ); // makeRssReader($bmsrr_lazyload_conf); function itemSorterOldestFirst($a, $b) { return $a["pubDate"] - $b["pubDate"]; } function changeItemLazyLoad($item) { $dom = new DOMDocument("1.0", "UTF0-8"); $dom->loadHTML('' . $item["description"]); foreach ($dom->getElementsByTagName("img") as $img) { $dataOriginal = $dom->createAttribute("data-original"); $img->appendChild($dataOriginal); $img->setAttribute("data-original", $img->getAttribute("src")); $img->setAttribute("src", "grey.gif"); } $item["description"] = $dom->saveHTML($dom); $item["description"] = preg_replace('~<(?:!DOCTYPE|/?(?:html|head|body))[^>]*>\s*~i', '', $item["description"]); return $item; } // Code from down here function makeRssReader($conf) { printf("\r\n"); $fp = fopen($conf["output file"], "w"); if ($fp == null) { pln("Couldn't write to '%s'", $conf["output file"]); } else { if (flock($fp, LOCK_EX)) { if (isset($_REQUEST["clearolder"])) { $clearOlderThan = intval($_REQUEST["clearolder"]); $out = file_put_contents($conf["data file"], serialize($clearOlderThan)); if ($out === false) { pln("Could not write to '%s'", $conf["data file"]); } } if (!file_exists($conf["data file"])) { $showItemsAfter = 0; } else { $showItemsAfter = unserialize(file_get_contents($conf["data file"])); } $feedUrls = getSubscriptions($conf["google reader subscriptions.xml"]); if ($feedUrls == null) { pln("Couldn't read '%s'", $conf["google reader subscriptions.xml"]); } else { $validItems = array(); foreach ($feedUrls as $feedUrl) { $items = getRss($feedUrl); if($items === null) { pln("Problem fetching '%s'", $feedUrl); continue; } $newItemsFromFeed = 0; foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item["pubDate"] > $showItemsAfter) { $validItems[] = call_user_func($conf["item changer"], $item); $newItemsFromFeed++; } } pln("Fetched %d new items from %s", $newItemsFromFeed, $feedUrl); flush(); } usort($validItems, $conf["item sorter"]); fwrite($fp, templateText($conf["output header"], array("showItemsAfter" => dateString($showItemsAfter), "itemsAmount" => count($validItems), "updateUrl" => $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]))); foreach ($validItems as $item) { $clearOlderThanUrl = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?clearolder=".$item["pubDate"]; fwrite($fp, templateText($conf["output item"], array("itemLink" => $item["link"], "itemTitle" => $item["title"], "itemFeedTitle" => $item["feedTitle"], "itemPubDate" => dateString($item["pubDate"]), "itemDescription" => $item["description"], "clearOlderThanUrl" => $clearOlderThanUrl))); } fwrite($fp, $conf["output footer"]); } flock($fp, LOCK_UN); } else { pln("Could not get file lock"); } fclose($fp); printf("
\r\n"); pln('rss reader', $conf["output file"]); } printf("\r\n"); } function dateString($unixtime) { return date(DATE_RFC850, $unixtime); } function pln() { $args = func_get_args(); $string = call_user_func_array('sprintf', $args); printf("%s
\r\n", $string); } function templateText($html, $replaces) { $from = array(); $to = array(); foreach ($replaces as $key => $value) { $from[] = "{{" . $key . "}}"; $to[] = $value; } return str_replace($from, $to, $html); } function getSubscriptions($filename) { $subscriptionsXml = simplexml_load_file($filename); if ($subscriptionsXml == null) { return null; } $rssUrls = array(); foreach ($subscriptionsXml->body->outline as $subscription) { $rssUrls[] = (string) $subscription["xmlUrl"]; } return $rssUrls; } function getRss($url) { $rssXml = simplexml_load_file($url); if (!$rssXml) { return null; } $items = array(); if ($rssXml->entry) { // atom foreach ($rssXml->entry as $entry) { $description = trim((string) $entry->content ? $entry->content : $entry->summary); $items[] = array("feedTitle" => trim((string)$rssXml->title), "title" => trim((string) $entry->title), "description" => $description, "link" => trim((string) $entry->link["href"]), "guid" => trim((string) $entry->id), "pubDate" => strtotime(trim((string) $entry->updated))); } } else if ($rssXml->channel->item) { // rss foreach ($rssXml->channel->item as $item) { $items[] = array("feedTitle" => trim((string) $rssXml->channel->title), "title" => trim((string) $item->title), "description" => trim((string) $item->description), "link" => trim((string) $item->link), "guid" => trim((string) $item->guid), "pubDate" => strtotime(trim((string) $item->pubDate))); } } else { return null; } return $items; }